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The Spark that Ignites Nations

Many people ask me why I chose to relocate to the Middle East (well, actually, to the Gulf Coast Region...I'll still call it the Middle East to give you some perspective though) when there are so many students in the U. S. who need knowledgable, skilled, and caring teachers.

"I know; you did it for the money..."


I must admit: the money is good, and it doesn't hurt that my accommodations are covered. In addition, my company-sponsored visa is covered while I am afforded the honor of free airfare home each summer and a hefty bonus when I complete my amazing package. It also doesn't hurt that I live on an island an enormous flat on a resort compound with all of the amenities of a five star hotel. Sure, to most starving and struggling, overworked and sorely disrespected U. S. teachers that alone would provide an excellent hook for relocating to the Middle East. However, these luxuries were at the bottom of my lists of reasons to come to Abu Dhabi. I came to blaze trails...I came to ignite generations!

My main reason for coming to Abu Dhabi was to be the conduit from which youngsters in urban school districts such as my former employer, Dallas Independent School District, could realize their dreams of seeing the world. It has always been my hope to see our students in high poverty areas realize their potentials and become global citizens. Since, in my experience, we are often times more accepted and respected when we reach beyond the four walls of our communities, traveling abroad to teach for three years gives me an opportunity to breech the gap between inner-city youth and the world that may recognize what those who discount them may not; they too are brilliant.

When I brought my eldest son here for winter break, I felt it was the beginning of providing a bridge between him and the world. Traveling abroad often reduces the fears associate with leaving one's community. Once an individual leaves his or her country for the first time, the thirst and hunger for learning more about the world around him or her increases. And the fact that I chose the Middle East, a place, according to the ignorant, associated with war and struggle, seemed to pose a formidable obstacle with my family and friends. The biggest question became whether or not I would survive a year, especially two years. Then, an even bigger question became, "Why would you bring your son to the war-torn Middle East?"

Jay finally arrived and found that the United Arab Emirates is one of the safest countries in the world as well as a region of the Middle East that is accepting of other people. In fact, he even found that locals and tourists loved his style and often stopped us to take selfies with him. Jay's style made him an instant celebrity. In a month's time, he enjoyed the eclectic cultures, fascinating architecture and loving nature of the people he met. Through his experience, not only was his view of the Middle East enhanced, but his thirst to touch the lives of people all over the world was ignited like the spark of some brilliant flame.

That is why I chose the Middle East in particular: a place where I have found many of my twins...a place that has become a part of my soul and global passion. I tell my students here they have forever changed the way I see the world. I am therefore through my experiences and hopes, without judgement, an igniter of flames...a blazer of trails and creator of legacies.

Your legacy begins with you. I charge you to find your passion and pursue it with vehement vigor. No matter what challenges you face always remember your after it and blaze your own trails. Ignite your nations!

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